Our terms

Booking terms

Read about out booking terms here.

Tromsø Friluftsenter AS is responsible for the activity provided by us direct. If you book other tours threw us we will forward your booking to the relevant supplier of the activity you ordered. The supplier is responsible to deliver the product you order in agreement with the description.  If you need to contact us before or during your trip, we are available Monday-Friday 09:00 - 16:00 (4 PM). You may contact us via email info@tromso-friluftsenter.no or by phone +47 907 51 583.

Terms and conditions

The booking system can handle reservations for up to 16 participants. You may order evening tours until 18:00 the same day as the tour, while most day or morning activities needs to be booked before 16:00 the day before the tour. Your reservation is confirmed when you receive a confirmation with a booking number. You need to be 18 years old in order to book through Tromsø Friluftsenter AS.

Payment and security

The payment is processed when your booking is made. Tromsø Friluftsenter AS is responsible for the transaction, and that the correct amount is withdrawn from your account. If there should be a problem with your credit card, we will contact you. If we aren't able to get in contact with you, your reservation will be cancelled. All personal information is handled on an encrypted site (SSL 128 bit) where your information is safe. Only Tromsø Friluftsenter AS and the supplier of your product will have access to your name and contact information.

Cancellation/changes by you

In order to cancel or change your reservation, you need to contact Tromsø Friluftsenter AS.

  • Cancellation outside of 48 hours - 100% refund.
  • Cancellation within 48 hours or less - no refund.
  • The service fee is non-refundable

A change from you is regarded as a cancellation.

Insurance/cancellation protection

We recommend all our customers to ensure they have good insurances before commencing their trip in case of illness, lost luggage, accidents and similar incidents.

Our Suppliers

We are responsible of payment to our suppliers for your booking. Our suppliers are responsible for their part of your program, including complete insurances, certificates, staff etc. in accordance with the laws and rules that may apply for the supplier.

Cancellations/Major changes from our side

Cancellations or major changes may occur if

• conditions out of our control; the weather, accidents, strikes etc.

• conditions for the booking is not met; minimum number of participants (2), age etc.

If this type of cancellation happens, and you do not accept the alternative provided to you, we refund 100 % of the cost for that part of the reservation. In order to ensure a good experience for you, we might have to change minor details in your reservation. This may be caused by for example weather conditions.


If you need to book for a group, you are welcome to contact Tromsø Friluftsenter AS at info@tromso-friluftsenter.no


If you encounter errors or discrepancies along the way in relation to the travel documents you have received, and the relationship can’t be corrected on the spot, please make a written complaint directly to the supplier as soon as possible.

We look forward to seeing you in Tromsø, and wish you a stay filled with arctic experiences!

Arctic Regards,

Tromsø Friluftsenter AS


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